New Year, New Product!
Privacy slats Vented privacy. Stylish aesthetic. Beautiful and sturdy. Separate spaces to create dynamic areas. Customizable up to 19 feet.
Privacy slats Vented privacy. Stylish aesthetic. Beautiful and sturdy. Separate spaces to create dynamic areas. Customizable up to 19 feet.
Take your lakefront living to the next level, and keep those pesky insects where they belong
This screened in room had seen better days! By removing and restructuring existing materials, we gave the customer a much more open feel!
This 100+ Midtown home was a challenge! All uprights and filigree were wrought iron! The solution was to create an aluminum frame on the interior
In response to customer feedback, Mirage is now offering LARGE expanse retractable screens! Mirage 3500 Brochure Pg. 1 Mirage 3500 Brochure Pg. 2
Using materials from FOUR different manufacturers, transformed the homeowners’ vision to reality. LOOKS AMAZING!
After much consideration, (and legwork). We have now OFFICIALLY rebranded as MidSouth Screens! The retractable caused confusion, (and to be honest I was tired of